Luke Z. Fenchel is a local lawyer serving the greater Ithaca area, Tompkins County, & Finger Lakes region with a strategic focus on legal problem-solving, crisis management, and criminal defense.

He serves a diverse clientele of professionals, families of college students, and other Ithacans, using experience, knowledge, education, creativity, and technology to provide them with the most effective and efficient defense.

Luke aims to provide comprehensive legal advice as well as compassionate and relentless advocacy to obtain the best possible outcome for each case accepted—whether it be dismissal, reduction, or seal. 

Are you facing a misdemeanor or felony matter in Ithaca, Tompkins County, or the Finger Lakes region, or have you been accused of an on-campus disciplinary matter? Attorney Fenchel has successfully handled hundreds of criminal cases in the past five years—everything from the highest-level A-II felonies to common traffic violations. 

Luke managed the criminal defense practice while at Holmberg Galbraith (formerly Holmberg, Galbraith, Van Houten & Miller). In December 2015 Fenchel formed his own legal practice devoted exclusively to criminal defense.

Luke graduated from Harvard College and Cornell Law School. He lectures in the legal studies department at Ithaca College, where he has also served as an on-campus advisor to students facing disciplinary proceedings (Luke regularly serves in similar roles at Cornell University and at Tompkins Cortland Community College).

Luke is on the Board of Directors of the Tompkins County Bar Association, and is a member of the New York State Bar Association, and New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

Ithaca Times, Best of Ithaca Award, Best Attorney, 2016 • Ithaca Journal, Reader’s Choice Award, Law Firm, 2015 • Ithaca Times, Best of Ithaca, First Runner-Up, 2014.

Practice Areas: Comprehensive advocacy and defense.

Talk to our clients. They will tell you that Luke and the Fenchel Defense Firm gave them the skilled defense they needed. We put clients first. We care about you, and we care about the effect your case has on your family and your life. Luke provides you with a free initial consultation. He listens closely to your needs, returns your phone calls promptly, and takes time to explain each development in your case. Whether in court or behind the scenes with judges, prosecutors and police, Luke and the Fenchel Defense Firm use experience and persistence to fight hard for you. You may have been charged with a crime, but that does not mean you are guilty. We understand the difference and we are on your side.

Who you hire can make all the difference.

Who you hire can make all the difference.

Representing students charged with on-campus violations at Ithaca College, Cornell University and other area schools.

Representing students charged with on-campus violations at Ithaca College, Cornell University and other area schools.

Beat the charge, keep your license, and avoid a criminal record.

Beat the charge, keep your license, and avoid a criminal record.

Felony or Misdemeanor Criminal Charges: Representing People, Not Cases

Fenchel practices throughout upstate New York, and has built respected and respectful relationships with the prosecutors, judges, court clerks, probation officers, and law-enforcement officials who form the legal landscape in upstate New York. He has defended friends and family members of judges, clerks, sheriff deputies, probation and police officers, as well as other governmental employees.

A familiar face in Ithaca City and Ithaca Town Court, Fenchel also regularly appears in the town courts of Dryden and Lansing, as well as those of Caroline, Danby, Enfield, Groton, Newfield, and Ulysses, and the Village Courts of Cayuga Heights and Freeville. 

Fenchel has successfully defended misdemeanor and felony matters in the neighboring counties of Cortland, Chemung, Seneca, Cayuga, Schuyler, and Tioga Counties. 

Recent Cases:

  • People v. J.A. Case: Client was charged with stealing two air conditioning units from Walmart. Result: Dismissed, faulty identification.
  • People v. R.C. Case: Client was charged with an A-II Felony, allegedly manufacturing methamphetamine. Result: Client testified at Grand Jury who voted a "no bill", resulting in the dismissal of the case.
  • People v. C.N. Case: Client was charged with stealing more than a thousand dollars from her employer. Result: Dismissed.
  • People v. B.S. Case: Client was charged with A-II Felony, allegedly manufacturing methamphetamine. Result: admission to felony drug treatment court with a contract that would result in a dismissal of charge upon successful completion. 

On-Campus Judicial Proceedings: A Student-Centered Approach

Luke regularly represents college and university students charged with on-campus violations at Ithaca College, where he has been an adjunct lecturer in Legal Studies since 2011, as well as at Cornell University, Tompkins Cortland Community College, and other schools in the region. He has served as an on-campus counselor and advocate in cases in which charges were dismissed at the Ithaca College Conduct Review Board, has worked on cases before the University Hearing Board at Cornell University, as well as successfully negotiated medical and non-disciplinary withdrawals from both campuses. 

Recent Cases:

People v. J.B. Case: At Cornell University, client was charged with selling controlled substances to students, undercover officers. Judicial Administrator sought to expel or suspend. Result: University Hearing Board ordered counseling, alcohol and drug treatment, community service, a reflection paper, and deferred suspension as long as client moved off campus (client continues to be an active enrolled student).

People v. A.L. Case: At Ithaca College, client was charged possession of controlled substances. Result: Client testified at Conduct Review Board, who held "not responsible" (not guilty) of alleged violation.

People v. N.S. Case: Hazing at Cornell. Result: Finding of "Not Responsible".


Driving While Intoxicated "DWI" (BAC, Refusal, Drugs)

Luke cut his teeth on defending clients charged with drinking and driving related offenses (misdemeanor and felony driving while intoxicated—DWI—as well as misdemeanor driving while ability impaired by drugs—DWAI—crimes). His practice includes violations of conditional discharge and probation, as well as litigation involving the removal of ignition interlock devices. Luke also regularly represents individuals at Department of Motor Vehicle Refusal Hearings.

Recent Cases:

People v. L.M. Case: Client was charged §V&T 1192(2),(3)(driving while intoxicated misdemeanors). Result: Client pled to speed in full satisfaction (Tompkins County).

People v. M.R. Case: Client was charged with felony driving while intoxicated, and felony driving while ability impaired. Result: Client pled to V&T §1212 Reckless Driving in full satisfaction (Seneca County).

People v. S.D. Case: Client was charged misdemeanor driving while intoxicated V&T §1192(2),(3), as a result of a two-car accident. Result: Client was admitted to treatment court with contract to dismiss case upon successful completion (Tioga County).

People v. W.P. Case: Non-citizen was charged with misdemeanor driving while intoxicated V&T §1192(2),(3). Result: Client pled to non-criminal violation-level traffic offense V&T §1192(1), with a Conditional Discharge, Fine, and Surcharge (Cayuga County).

People v. J.B. Case: Client's third alcohol-related offense in six (6) years, charged with felony driving while intoxicated, BAC 0.15. Result: Interim Probation Supervision with ability to withdraw plea (Chemung County).

People v. D.M. Case: Client's fifth alcohol-related offense, charged with felony driving while intoxicated. Result: Client was admitted to treatment court with contract to withdraw felony plea, and to substitute V&T §1212 Reckless Driving in full satisfaction upon successful completion of treatment court (Cortland County).

People v. C.R. Case: Client was charged with misdemeanor driving while intoxicated V&T §1192(2),(3)(BAC: 0.15). Result: Client pled to non-criminal violation-level traffic offense V&T §1192(1), with a Conditional Discharge, Fine, and Surcharge (Ithaca Town Court, Tompkins County).

People v. B.W. Case: Client was charged with misdemeanor driving while intoxicated V&T §1192(2),(3) as a result of a car accident (BAC: 0.15). Result: Client pled to misdemeanor driving while intoxicated V&T §1192(3), with no jail sanction (Dryden Town Court, Judge Clauson, Tompkins County). 


About Luke Z. Fenchel


  • A.B., High Honors, Harvard College, 1999
  • J.D., Cornell Law School, 2005


  • Admitted to the Bar: New York State, U.S. District Court, Northern District of New York


    • Lecturer, Legal Studies, Ithaca College, 2011-present


      • Ithaca Times, Best of Ithaca Award, Best Attorney, 2016
      • Ithaca Journal, Reader’s Choice Award, Law Firm, 2015
      • Ithaca Times, Best of Ithaca, First Runner-Up, 2014


      • Tompkins County Bar Association
      • New York State Bar Association
      • New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
      • National College for DUI Defense